Henley gate at night.
Credit: Tony Mastres

 Upcoming Events


CPOS Seminar: "Ultrathin and Stretchable Organic Photovoltaics for Emerging Applications"

Speaker:  Kenjiro Fukuda, Senior Research Scientist, Thin-Film Device Laboratory & Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Japan

Location: HYBRID (Zoom / In-person) | 9:00am

CPOS Seminar: "Challenges and Future Prospects of Organic Photovoltaics for Underwater Applications"

Speaker: Yu-Cheng Tseng, PhD Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan / Visiting Graduate Student, Nguyen Group, CPOS, UC Santa Barbara

Location: HYBRID (Zoom / In-person) | 9:00am

 Events Archive

Speaker: Sai Sukruth Bezugam, PhD Student. Strukovs Research Group, Department of ECE, UC Santa Barbara


Speaker: Linjing Tang, Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Santa Barbara, Materials Department - Chabinyc Group

Speaker: Somayeh Kashani

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University (P. Gkoupidenis Lab, Organic Neuromorphic Bioelectronics)

Speaker: Hyunki Yeo, Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Santa Barbara, Material Research Laboratory - Chabinyc Group

Speaker: Jesus Guillen CamposPhD Candidate, UC Santa Barbara - Department of Chemistry, Read de Alaniz Group

Speaker: Dan SunPhD Candidate, UC Santa Barbara - Department of Chemistry, Glenn Fredrickson Group

Speaker: Banruo HuangPostdoctoral Researcher, UC Santa Barbara - Materials Research Laboratory, Hawker Group

Speaker: Antonio Garcia IV, Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Santa Barbara -California NanoSystems Institute<

Speaker: Haley Beech, Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Santa Barbara, Segalman and Hawker Groups

Speaker: Hao Dong, Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Santa Barbara, Megan Valentine and Chris Bates Groups