Henley gate at night.
Credit: Tony Mastres

 Upcoming Events


CPOS Seminar: "Understanding the Optoelectronic properties of Organic Semiconductor: Exciton Binding Energy and Reorganization Energies"

Speaker: Somayeh Kashani

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University (P. Gkoupidenis Lab, Organic Neuromorphic Bioelectronics)

Zoom only | 9:00am

 Events Archive

Speaker: ZHIFANG DU, Graduate Student Researcher, Chemistry and Biochemistry Deparment, UCSB

Speaker: BRIAN ROEHRICH, Graduate Student Researcher, Chemistry and Biochemistry Deparment, UCSB

Speaker: CHUNGRYONG CHOI, PhD, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSB